Men’s Breakaway | Forward 2025
May 23-25, 2025
God calls men to be the head of their household and to lead with wisdom and truth. Our world today is increasingly pushing biblical manhood to the side – it can be confusing for guys to figure out what to do and how to lead in a world like this. Men’s Breakaway | Forward is all about countering that message of passivity and giving up – join us for a weekend in the incredible beauty of Muskoka as we tackle hard questions, fighting for truth while loving graciously and leading well. Whether you’re looking for a weekend away with a group of men or to connect with your son or father, our plan is to encourage you while you deepen your commitment to God and build godly community and friendships.
Randy Carter
Read about Randy Carter
Randy Carter is a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. He laughs loudly, feels deeply and loves people. Randy describes himself as a Jr High boy trapped in a really old dudes body, Perhaps that is why he has been involved in youth ministry one way or another since1979. Since July 1994 Randy has been on staff at STM Ministries as a youth ministry specialist, speaking to audiences of 15 – 3800 students, mentoring youth pastors, consulting with churches on youth ministry. Randy is also a requested speaker at family camps, men’s events and with his wife Donna at marriage conferences. Randy’s not afraid to share authentically and engage in the messiness of people’s lives. His laugh-out-loud humour and tell-it-like-it-is approach to truth penetrates the heart and inspires life change. Randy has been married to his ministry partner and best friend Donna since June 1981. Together they have two daughters with accompanying sons-in-law and two of the cutest grandkids ever!
Cliff Cline
Read about Cliff Cline
Cliff is the Founder of eyesUP Worship, an organization with a vision to raise up the next generation of worship leaders for the church in Canada. Cliff is also Founder and President of ideaPraxy, a consulting and coaching firm. He is passionate about church health and walks with churches as they pursue growth in their alignment to biblical ecclesiology. He also partners with Christian charities, helping them build capacity as they work to deliver on their vision sustainably.
Cliff is also a singer/songwriter and has been involved in music ministry his whole adult life. He is still writing and now producing music for himself and others. Cliff is married to Stef and their family attends West Highland Baptist Church in Hamilton where he also serves part-time as the interim Director of Worship.
Music Links
Apple Music:
Registration begins Friday at 4:00pm. Dinner is optional at 6:00pm. First session begins at 8:00pm.
Please refer to our website for accommodation selections*. 20% discount on accommodations for MBC retreats. Share accommodation with friends to save!
Now available to stay in the Campground!
All prices are plus HST
Meals & Program
Program, 5 meals and 2 snacks
— $316.70/person.
Friday night dinner is optional but not included in meal price.
All prices are plus HST
Program Only
All prices are plus HST
* Accommodation options are subject to availability. Please call the office at 705-789-0123 if you have any questions.
Additional Savings
Book 10+ guys and receive one additional FREE registration. Email
Don’t Miss Out
You won’t want to miss out on this amazing weekend. Invite your sons, fathers, and other friends and family!
Weekend Itinerary
Friday, May 23, 2025
4:00 pm – Registration begins in the Main Lobby.
6:00 pm – Dinner (optional) in the Dining Room.
8:00 pm – Session #1.
9:00 pm – Free Time.
Saturday, May 24, 2025
8:30 am – Breakfast in the Dining Room.
10:00 am – Session #2.
12:00 pm – Lunch in the Dining Room.
1:00 pm – Free Time.
5:30 pm – Dinner in the Dining Room.
7:00 pm – Session #3.
9:00 pm – Free Time.
Sunday, May 25, 2025
8:30 am – Breakfast in the Dining Room.
10:00 am – Session #4.
Check out before 11:00 am (unless notified otherwise)
12:00 pm – Lunch in the Dining Room.
Media Kit
If you need any promotional material to share, you can download posters and slides from the links below.