Autumn Getaway
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Autumn Getaway 2024

September 16-20, 2024

Autumn Getaway exists to challenge men and women to continue living deeply in relationship with God, bless their own home communities, and build a strong legacy of faith. No matter what stage of life you find yourself in, you can find the opportunity to experience the overwhelming beauty and quiet splendour of autumn at MBC. Join us this September for a full five days to relax, refresh and renew your spirit.

Greetings from Muskoka dear friends!

Summer is now in full swing and there are only a couple of months between today and Autumn Getaway. Emily and I are pleased to have been asked once again to host the week of September 16th -20th. The ministry team of 2023 is back for a second time. Lawson Murray will bring the spoken Word and Marlene O’Neil and Cathy Borges will bring the sung Word. This will be a blessed time in the Word.

Our themed evening on Thursday night will be “Black and White”. Let your imaginations run wild, dust off your formal and semi-formal attire, and dawn your blacks and whites and perhaps even be the best dressed!

Shelagh Raymer has been busy putting together many great recreational activities in which to participate during the week. Plus she is planning a bus trip to a “secret” destination. Surprise! Surprise!!

Emily and I encourage you to join us this Fall and to bring a car load of friends with you.

Book early to avoid disappointment and together let’s enjoy the week.


Emily and Doug


Lawson Murray

David & Shelagh Raymer
Read about Lawson Murray

Lawson is married to his best friend, Karen. They love spending time together with their children and grandchildren (11 so far!). Lawson is deeply committed to connecting children, youth, and families with Jesus and His Word. He is a writer/author, researcher, ministry innovator, conference speaker, adjunct seminary professor, international trainer, Bible engagement specialist, children’s and sports ministry specialist, and President of Scripture Union Canada.


Marlene O’Neill & Cathy Borges

John & Merissa Gleason
Read about Marlene O'Neill & Cathy Borges

Marlene and Cathy – power, sensitivity, and boundless vocal energy! Both ladies have a personal relationship with Christ and come from a rich Christian up-bringing and family heritage of Gospel music. They embrace this whole-heartedly in both stage presentation and daily life. The Tonettes have been blessed with many years of experience working from coast-to-coast in
Canada, the United States and abroad, in a multitude of venues – big and small. Everything from stage productions, women’s retreats, church concerts and outdoor festivals to conferences, etc.

est. 2007 : Originally a trio, the Tonettes sadly lost their third vocalist, Amoy Levy, in 2020 following a lengthy illness. Marlene and Cathy miss her friendship and un-matched vocal giftings and are determined like never before to press onward in the path that the Lord has set before them in music ministry. The Tonettes bring together their individual knowledge of the vocal craft obtained by literally decades of practical experience and traditional music schooling. Their goal
is to always, without exception, deliver top-notch vocal harmonies and true-life testimony of God’s faithfulness and grace. All in a sincere and powerful, presentation of the Gospel in music; they always lead their listening audience to the cross and give all glory to Christ alone. Marlene and Cathy are cousins who are both rooted in the vocal stylings of Church Gospel music and currently perform vocal styles that include Worship, Gospel, Jazz, Soul, Blues, etc. They have been singing together since they were little girls along with their mothers and family. The Tonettes endeavour to put everything they have into each presentation whether backing up another artist or head-lining an event themselves.

With all of these attributes and many years of experience under their belts, they will not disappoint when you hear them in concert – you will be drawn closer to Christ through their powerful presentation.

Registration begins Monday at 3pm followed by a Dinner at 5:00pm. First session begins at 7:00pm.


Please refer to our website for accommodation selections*. 25% discount on accommodations for MBC retreats. Share accommodation with friends to save!

All prices are plus HST

Meals & Program

Program, 11 meals
— $485.00/person.

All prices are plus HST

Program Only

Snacks are now included in your program fee!

All prices are plus HST

* Accommodation options are subject to availability. Please call the office at 705-789-0123 if you have any questions.


• Car rally and picnic lunch
• Indoor/outdoor recreational tournament

Media Kit

If you need any promotional material to share, you can download posters and slides from the links below.