Volunteer at MBC
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Volunteers are important to the mission of MBC!

Volunteers are the foundation that this ministry has been built upon, and volunteers are critical to the future of MBC as we seek to help grow resilient, biblically rooted families to the glory of God.

Our Volunteer Coordinator, Paulina Ham, works to recruit, train and place qualified volunteers into productive service. The first step is filling out the
Volunteer Expression of Interest form. You can also contact Paulina Ham by email at volunteer@muskokabible.com to learn more about volunteer opportunities.

Just a few of our current volunteer needs:

  • Chapel usher
  • Kids Min staff
  • Marina staff, including boat drivers and wristband patrol
  • Foodservice – Dining Room and Hub
  • Maintenance
  • Gardening
  • Town Run driver


The MBC policy for volunteer workers is predicated on the assumption that the individual is volunteering his or her labour for the furtherance of the Mission of MBC and not with the expectation of any financial or other tangible benefits. Volunteers are not paid for their labour. Volunteers may be offered staff meals or meal vouchers for the MBC Dining Room as a thank you, following the guidelines of the MBC Volunteer Handbook.

Volunteering at Camp Widjiitiwin

The reopening of Camp Widjiitiwin also offers some unique volunteer opportunities. Partner groups come in for one week blocks, so most of these opportunities involve a one-week commitment to the role. With the commitment comes the reward of serving these important communities as they give their youth a week of a lifetime at Widjiitiwin. Here are some key volunteer jobs:


  • Billet a Widjiitiwin volunteer in your cottage or trailer for a week to help alleviate the staff housing pressure
  • Prepare and serve food in the kitchen
  • Help with the grounds and facilities on a maintenance team
  • Be a cabin leader and get to know the youth as you live in the cabins with them and guide them through their daily schedule