The Magazine of Muskoka Bible Centre


Home 5 Resilient Magazine 5 Category: Fall 2022

This magazine provides an overview of the richness of what God is doing through this ministry in impacting thousands of people each year. We trust that you will explore the opportunities presented here and be encouraged by the stories of impact within these pages.


The birthday misadventure

By Abby Ciona It was a beautiful crisp fall morning at Muskoka Bible Centre, and Aiden was excited. It was his little sister’s birthday, and Aiden had planned the perfect birthday full of adventures around MBC for the two of them! “Why are we up so early on my...

Strength in differences

Working together through disagreement. By Abby Ciona When I say the word teamwork, you will probably either cheer or groan. It’s a fairly controversial topic for most people. I always dreaded group work in school: it feels like I would constantly get put in groups...

Treating all with dignity

By Paul Martin The wisdom of God can appear like utter folly in a social media world. When we drink the cultural lie that intelligence, good-looks and platforms determine value, we are not much different than the slave masters or Nazis in history who claimed certain...

Serving from our table

By Doug & Emily Morrison It has been said that all we have to do to see the needs of those around us is to be willing to open our eyes, hearts and daily calendars. When we do that, we become part of a Christ-centred life that loves and serves others, and welcomes...

Leaves in the table

By Shelagh Raymer I have a ridiculously large table in my kitchen; I mean, really large! Before harvest tables were a thing, I purchased a table from a craftsman of fine tables. That table has twelve leaves and extends up to 18 feet. Ridiculous, yes, because my dining...